I am turning to you in this time of illness. Please alleviate my sorrow and worry with your gentle love and grant me your grace and strenght. Lord, I place myselves under your care and humbly ask that you restore me back to my whole self. Above all, grant me the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us.

1 comment:
Dear Donna,
This is my second attempt to send a "comment". I think the first one was lost. I tried to guess at my Google account and guessed wrong. After that I couldn't get back to the comment to change it and re-send it.
I am so thankful that you gave me another lesson in sending "comments". I had forgotten my first lesson awhile back. But tonight I'm realizing that there is a place to comment after each item that you have written.
This comment is applying to everything you have written, if you don't mind.
The Gift: I am SO SORRY about someone stealing your mother's ring!!! How awful!!! The only thankful thing I can think of is that you don't have yourself to blame for losing it! That is always a fear of mine with something that is valuable and sentimental to me. It just shows that evil people do hurt other people. It is such a selfish act! I'm also thankful that you were able to find a ring that will at least remind you of your Mom's ring and the love that she had for you in giving it to you. But I am still SO SORRY!
The Book: I am SO glad that you threw away the book!! I almost said the same thing but didn't think I should. You are a very good mother and you do have all you need inside of you - God given - to do the job. And the most important person you have inside of you is the Holy Spirit. He will guide you to do everything you are supposed to do. EVERY TIME I listened to HIM, I was successful as a mother. EVERY TIME I didn't, I failed miserably. Ask Shaun! But I am thankful that, for the most part, I allowed the Lord to raise my children. And I think He did a great job! You were meant to be Christian's mother. So He gave you all the qualifications you need.
I think the Lord also gave you to Shaun and me as my third daughter. When you are in the center of His will, there is no need to worry about anything. Relax and continue to enjoy your family. They both love you very much!
When I was a mother, I didn't worry and use a book - because - I thought I was well qualified to be a mother since I had been the oldest of five children. But I was humbled greatly in the early days and that's when I found out that I couldn't raise my children alone - without His help!
Skating: The skating party looked like a lot of fun with your family.
Circus: And the circus looked like a lot of fun too. I would have LOVED to have seen Christian's face in person; however, I'm thankful that we do have pictures to see. In the olden days they didn't even have pictures to share.
Sickness: You have certainly all had a LONG ordeal with sickness in your family. I have been praying for you all for awhile now. I do believe in my prayers. I believe that you will all get well - I hope it will be soon. I hate to see you sick. It's not fun!
I guess that is all for now.
All my love - Ms. Gail/Mom/Abbey
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