1. My all time favorite candy is M&M's.
2. I call them MMMMMM's.
3. I hate to get in the bath tub but once I am in there it is the best place EVER (I get to splash around).
4. Then I hate it again when it is time to wash.
5. I have two speeds...run and sleep.
6. I have stayed with the same lady (Mrs. Kim) since I was 2 months old.
7. She is like my second mom. I call her Momma Kim.
8. I love to play baseball and can really hit the ball far.
9. I am not the best at catching the ball right now...I am learning.
10. Boy, can I throw a temper though when things don't go my way.
11. I know all my letters and letter sounds.
12. I love to read (pretend) and listen to books.
13. Bruce the Moose by Katherine and Jake Moore is my favorite book.
14. I can count to 10.
15. I can count backwards from 10...blast off!
16. I like to take Rockey and Mickey on walks...holding the lease myself.
17. I weigh 34 lbs.
18. I don't really have a favorite food...I like about anything.
19. I don't like to eat cake or ice cream.
20. I love to color and draw...especially hand prints.
21. My favorite cartoons are Elmo, Dora, Leap and Molly, and Wow Wows Wubbzy.
22. My all time favorite cartoon is Blue's Clues. I even copy them singing and doing the motions.
23. I could stay up all night long and play if my mom would let me. Of course I would want her to play with me. I would tell her "play with me."
24. I love music of all kinds...singing or playing instruments.
25. I love my mom and dad with all my heart...oh wait you already knew that.
There is probably more that I could say that you don't know or that I am missing but this is a good start.
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