Tuesday, June 28, 2011


How is it that children learn to bribe and bargain at such an early age? I know that Christian have NEVER learned these skills from me. If I want something I just get it...there is never negotiating from this girl. Now Shaun, on the other hand, negotiates EVERTHING. If there is a deal to be had, he is going to some how make it happen for us. I can honestly say that Christian must of picked up his bargaining skills from his daddy as he listens to him talk to Verizon, Time Warner, etc.

Christian is learning to potty train and is actually doing a great job at it. He is now in big boy underoos all of the time, except for nap time and bed time. For the last two nights he has not had any accidents in his pull ups while sleeping (that goes for nap times too). One way that we have made this "amazing transition" from diapers to big boy underpants is by bribing our child with chocolate. Yes, I am not afraid to admit it, we give him chocolate when he goes to the bathroom in the potty...one piece for pee pee and two for poo poo.

Tonight while I was cleaning dishes after supper, he told me that "poo poo was coming." So, off we ran to the bathroom. While we were sitting there He started bargaining with me about how many pieces of chocolates he was going to get when he was finished. Here is our conversation...

M: Good job Christian. Keep going.
C: Two chocolates?
M: Yes, two chocolates.
C: Three chocolates?
M: No, two chocolates.
C: Two chocolates?
M: Yes, two chocolates.
C: Four chocolates?
M: No, two chocolates.
C: Two chocolates?
M: Yes, that is right. Two chocolates.
C: Two chocolates!

I can honestly say that he certainly tried to get more. But the funny thing was that he settled for two chocolates at the end like he had just won the bargaining and he was on top. Oh how cute he is!

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