Saturday, September 3, 2011

School Days

I just can't believe it...I have a little one that has started SCHOOL! Thursday was Christian's first day of school and I was that mom again with the camera and wanting a BIG smile. Christian was not having it at 6:15 in the morning...

However, when he got to Mrs. Kim's (Momma Kim's) house he started to cooperate since there were other people in the pictures too.

Mrs. Kim said that he got a little pouty lip when they pulled into the parking lot but then she said "Christian, look at all the students." and he perked right up. Mrs. Bonny and Mrs. Jennifer were great because they just took him right in and he did not have a change to get upset that he was leaving Mrs. Kim. He went right on in and did great. When Mrs. Kim went to pick him up, she asked them (for me because it is a worry of mine) if he played with other kids or just by himself (he has a tendency of playing by himself and I want him to venture out). They said the actually played with others throughout the day. They also said that he was actually the ring leader...WHAT!?! What does that mean? Mrs. Bonny said that when other students came in he would welcome them in and welcome them to the class. Oh, that is my boy...sweet, caring, and respectful.
I just can't believe my little boy when was once so dependent on me is now a preschool and inviting others into the classroom like he owns it. He is so independent...

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