Sunday, January 15, 2012

Time Flies

November 24, 2008 was one of the happiest days of my entire life. My little baby boy was born at 3:42 p.m. that day. When he was born he weighted 6 lbs 10 oz and was 19.4 inches long. Gosh, he was so tiny. I thought that if I moved him in a certain direction or way he might break. He was certainly my "littlest" and best present ever.

I NEVER would have thought that my little boy would grow up to be such a BIG boy. Last week we went to Christian's 3 year old well visit. When the nurse asked Christian to stand on the scale (I had to bribe him a little...mommy will give you a sucker) I was shocked to see how much he weighed and how tall he was. I grabbed him, gave him a hug for being a big boy, and then called him my VERY big boy. The scaled showed 40.5 pounds. His height was 40.5 inches. Yes, that is my big, solid boy.

He is in the 97 percentile for his weight and the 96 percentile for his height.

Life is just so day you are the size of a large blueberry in your mom's stomach and the next you are 40.5 inches tall and 40.5 pounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Believe me - your time with Christian's growing up years will FFFFFLLLLLLYYYYYY by before you know it! Enjoy every moment. Those will be precious memories one day to hang on to. I think of all those precious moments with Shaun so often! Love, Ms. Gail