Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Missing Visitor

Just like Christian, Bryson had lots of visitors who came to give their love to him. When he was in the nursery there were lots of pictures taken of his wonderful visitors.
He had a visit from...
My sister, Aunt Renee

My mom, Omah

My uncle, Uncle Wayne

Shaun's mom, Abbey

Shaun's dad, Papa

My aunt and uncle, Aunt JB and Uncle Johnny

Great family friends, The Seeby's

Our niece and nephew, Carmen and John

Shaun's sister and our nephew, Aunt Shannon and Maddie

My brother-n-law, Uncle Chuck
When he went back to the NICU the pictures with visitors ceased although he still had many visitors.  However, there was one visitor that was missing.  When Christian was born there was one visitor that came to meet him that meant the dad. 

You were and are truly missed Daddy.  I know that you were watching down the day that Bryson was born.  I know that you had and still have that same big smile.  We love you daddy.  

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