Friday, November 23, 2012

3 months

What a day!  I can't believe that you are already 3 month old.  How time flies when you are having fun and what fun you are.  They always say that children grow up right before your eyes and it is so true.  If I don't take a minute and slow down, you are going to be heading off to college. 

Today was a rough day for you.  It started off times with mom, dad, and Christian; hanging with Omah, Aunt Renee, and Carmen; trip to Target; etc.  Then it ended with you throwing up.  Not sure if you have the stomach bug or if you drank something wrong.  However, right now you are asleep in Omah's arms and real lethargic.  Hope it is not the stomach bug but you know mommy will be watching your every move.  We will have to take 3 month pictures another day but here is an update...sorry it is so short.   

Weight: ? Will weigh tomorrow.
Height: ? Will get height tomorrow.
Head circumference:  ?
Health: His health has been good. Still don't know about his heart and if the hole has closed up. However, we are being very hopeful.  We get to find out when he is 6 months old.  He has not been himself tonight.  This is the first time that he has thrown up.  Not sure if he has the stomach bug or if he drank something wrong.
Size of clothes: 3-6 months
Size of diapers: 2
Eat: He is getting both...formula and breast milk.
# of wake ups at night: Just one around 2:30-3:00ish.  Can't wait until he starts sleeping through the night. 
Milestones:  He has started smiling, cooing, and rolling from side to side (at times).  He has found his hands and tongue.  Loves to stick his tongue out at you...only time he can ever do it.  He also likes to play with his hands and try to grab his toys above his hands.   
Disposition: You don't like to sit in your car seat, swing, and bouncy seat.  
Loves: You love to be held, talked to, and sang to. You like to watch your brother play the Wii...Super Mario and Mario Kart are your favorite.  You also love to be talked will talk right back and laugh, laugh, laugh. 
Doesn't like: You do not to swing in our swing, sit in your car seat, or sit in your bouncy seat.  Other than those things you are a really happy baby. 
Smiles when: You smile all the time when you are talked to.  It just melts my heart. 
Recent trips: You went back down to Beaufort to see Grandma for Thanksgiving.  You have been to other places around town.



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