Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Growing, Growing, Growing

I have been meaning to post about Bryson's new stats. However, life certainly gets in the way sometimes. Judi Gatson spoke at my church (Radius) last Sunday on adoption. She was talking about how God has blessed her life with two boys that she adopted. Judi said that before them life was slow paced, quiet, and beautiful. Now with two little boys life is beautifully chaotic. I thought to myself...that is so true. So my new saying is "Life is beautifully chaotic in the Spivey household." Chaotic running around with two little ones now but it is so beautiful that I would not change it for the world.
So, here is how Bryson is growing, growing, growing.

weight:  8 lbs 5 oz     (60.31 percentile)
length:  19.75 in.     (42.5 percentile)
head circumference:  13 in.

Now (2 months old)
weight:  12 lbs 4 oz.      (51.48 percentile)
length:  23 in     (43.53 percentile)
head circumference:  15.5 in     (55.12 percentile)

That's my big boy! 

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