Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why do we question ourselves?

I have always been an independent person...just ask my mommy and daddy. I like to do things and figure out things myself. Since I have been a new mommy, I have tried to keep my independent side but I think it is about to go crashing down. It is hard to be an independent mommy with lots of questions. Here is my main and most frustrating one...why do mommies question what they are doing but can give advice to other mommies with no trouble? Can anyone answer this question for me? I will tell you why I am asking this question...
A friend that I work with had her first baby girl in August. She is now 6 months old, as of yesterday (2-24-09)...Happy 6th Months Old Morgan Kate. Being a new mother herself she asks a lot of questions to other new mommies and old mommies (I don't mean your age ladies). She is always full of good questions and I feel that I can sometimes help her answer and/or give her advice on some of them. However, when it comes to my own child (my first)I am clueless and full of whys and wonders. I tend to always ask my mom my questions and she tells me "Donna, I am not sure. I raised two children 30 years ago. Things have changes. I am out of date." I feel like I ask my mom because I don't want others to know that I don't have all the answers (there is my independent side). So,why is it that I don't have confidence in myself (the mommy gene) but I feel I can help other mommies?
For example, WHY can I not get rid of Christian's cold? We have done the suction bulb, the saline spray, the nasal spray (baby Afrin), the humidifier, and a nebulizer machine. It works for about two days and then it is right back. I WONDER if it is because I am bringing home so many germs from my students and Christian is catching them all?
WHY will Christian only sleep throughout the night for a couple of nights in a row and then go back to getting up once? I WONDER if it is because he falls asleep so early (8:00) and will not wake up to drink a full bottle before bed.
WHY is Christian getting the same rash all over his face after some baths but not all of them? I WONDER if it is from the shampoo/body wash that we are using but WHY would it only do it sometimes and not all the time? Oh, I could go on and on about the WHYs and WONDERs.
Thank you Heather for being a new concerned mommy with me. It makes me feel sane and free that I am not the only one that is always full of questions. I need to break out of my independent stage and ask more questions to my fellow mommies. So, my new goal as a mommy is to ask those questions as I come across them. If anyone can give me hints/ideas about my questions above that would be great. What are some things that you did to get your child to sleep through the night? What did you do for a nasty cold that would not go away? What about a rash that will not go away...could it be something else besides his bath?

You know I have to add a picture of my little man with his nebulizer machine...

Look at that red hair. WOW!


Heather and Travis said...

You are so sweet and your little Christian is so adorable! I can't wait to meet him in person.

Let's make a promise that we will always be open enough to ask those questions. And that if we do happen to have the answers we will be willing to share.

I can't believe your little one is already three months old. Where is the time going?

Hollie Heming said...

Well you certainly are not alone. I think asking questions is what makes you a good mommy. If you just did the same things all the time getting the same results, without questioning, WHY?, you would be crazy! I have asked myself some of the questions you asked, as well. This is mine...Why is Will waking up crying at night when he has slept through the night since he was 10 weeks old? I don't know, but last night, we didn't hear a peep from him. All I can say comes and goes in cycles. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Donna- Macy would wake up every night at the same time, drink a bottle and go back to bed. But, sometimes she wouldn't. Well, one night Mark got up, made her the bottle, went back to get her, and she fell back to sleep. It was at that point we realized that if she cries for longer than 5 minutes, she is really hungry, if not, then she will go back to sleep. Hard at first, but that is how Macy finally started to sleep through the night ALWAYS!

You know whats funny- Mark always asks me what we should do, does Shaun do that too? I tend to look at him like, "what, like I have done this before? LOL!

PS- today is our last day in Cherry Ridge We close on our house today! I will miss you neighbor!