Thursday, May 28, 2009

Schedules and Routines

What are schedules and routines when you are on vacation? I sure don't know because we did not follow any of ours. Now, we are trying to get back into the swing of things back here in good old Lexington, SC. Sorry it has taken me a while to get the slideshow up of our beach trip, but I guess that is what being a working mother and wife is all about. Here is a slideshow of our beach trip.

Here is a list of all the things that we did while at the beach (a lot of first for Christian):
  • Not only is it a lot to pack for a little one when you travel but getting there takes a while as well. It took us 5 hours to get to the beach. We had to stop and feed Christian. It takes some time.
  • He met his Aunt Leslie, Uncle Bunny, cousins Katherine and Mary Grace, and second cousins Katie and Elizabeth for the first time.
  • He slept a lot during the day. I think it was the ocean waves, salty air, birds chirping, etc. that knocked him out.
  • He did not sleep well at night. He is just like his mom...we do not sleep well if we are not in our own beds.
  • He put his feet in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. He did not like it and cried. He wanted out. I think the water was too cold.
  • He took his first shower with his mom and dad.
  • He laughed and laughed at his cousins Caleb and Edward.
  • He played in the sand for the first time. He wanted to put it in his mouth...he wants to put everything in his mouth now a days.
  • He walked on the pier and saw his first pelican. The pelican was so close to us he would let you pet him. It was amazing.
  • He pretended to fish (off the pier), play baseball, and shoot a shot gun (at the arcade) for the first time.
  • He played putt putt with his dad, mom, and papa for the first time. His mom won! GO MOM! However, I know that he will beat us when he gets older.

It was an exciting weekend that had to come to a bitter sweet end with going back to work. Oh well, it was the first of many first of our vacations. Maybe our next one will be back to Hawaii...ha, one can dream can't she.

1 comment:

Heather and Travis said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun! I can't wait to take MK to the beach. Love the pictures of Christian "fishing", "shooting" and "playing putt-putt".