Friday, June 26, 2009

My New Cup

Christian got a new sippy cup yesterday. We have tried all kinds of sippy cups and I am thinking this is the one. He has actually learned how to drink out of it...YEAH!!!

Christian's new sippy cup.
"I got it, Mommy!"
"I got it, Mommy if I bend down to it. Do you think that will work forever?" "I don't think so, monkey."
"No, wait Mommy, I got it!" "Great job, Monkey. YEAH!"

Oh and P.S. (without jinxing myself), I forgot to give Christian his Prevacid this morning (for his reflux) and he has not spit up yet today. Lets cross our fingers and hope that he is growing out of this annoying reflux stuff.


Heather and Travis said...

Love the sippy cup! So glad he is getting the hang of it. I can't believe he is 7 months old. It really feels like we were both just pregnant.

Hope the success continues with the Prevacid. I am hoping that we will be able to discontinue MK's very soon. I know it helps them, but it sure is a pain to give.

Love the pictures of that cutey pie! Also love the puppies in the background looking out the window. Cute!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how big Christian is! He is so cute. I know y'all are having a ballt his summer. I hope we can all get together soon.
