Sunday, June 21, 2009

One Man

One man (Shaun).

Two names (husband and daddy).

Three jobs (soul mate, father, and provider).

Millions of reasons why Christian and I love him more and more each day.

Here are just some of those reasons why I fall in love with him more each day...

Honest. He is always honest with me...the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Understanding. He is understanding when it comes to me and my crazy worries,concerns, and needs.
Safety Net. He is our safety net in all ways. He is our protector.
Believer. He is a believer in God, himself, me, and us as a family.
Amazing Father. Enough said.
uNbelievable Soul mate. He is my best friend, my lover, my blessing, my inspiration, my heart, my EVERYTHING.
Dancing King. He is my dancing king. He makes me feel like I am on cloud 9 and no one else is around except for the two of us.

Here are Christian's reasons for falling in love with him more each day...

Daddy, you are the man. You are
Always making me laugh and
Doing silly things. You are so funny.
Daddy, I want to be just like
You when I grow up!

Thank you Shaun for being the man that you are. I am so honored to be called your wife. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend, husband, daddy, protector, lover, and soul mate. Thank you for being EVERYTHING to us. We love you dearly. I didn't think it was ever possible to love you any more but when I look at you, especially with Christian, my love for you grows deeper and deeper. You have certainly lived up to OUR song and more...

I wanna be the wind that fills your sails
And be the hand that lifts your veil
And be the moon that moves your tide
The sun coming up in your eyes
Be the wheels that never rust
And be the spark that lights you up
All that you've been dreaming of and more
So much more, I wanna be your everything...

Keith Urban: Your Everything

I love the father in you. I love the way that you take parenting seriously. I love the way that the little boy comes out in you when you are playing, laughing, and tickling with Christian. I love the tenderness in your heart. I love the family that we have become and always will be.

I can't wait for Christian to say one day "That is my Father!" and know that it is an honor.

Daddy and Christian playing together on Father's Day.
Daddy and Christian blowing bubbles.

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