Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The First of First

Well, we have a first that we don't really want to have a first of...our first sickness. Christian has a very bad viral infection (sinus cold). Monday, actually Tuesday early, early morning (~12:30), Christian woke up screaming. Shaun and I ran into his room to see what was the matter. When your child NEVER screams it is a shocking and scary thing to hear. Nothing would soothe him; not our voices, not a bottle, not rocking, not us humming, and certainly not me singing (ha). We were on the verge of taking him to the emergency room because we just did not know what was wrong.

Then it happened...he sneezed and about ten tons of green snot (sorry I was not sure how to put it in a "classy" way, ha) came out and when he coughed it was raspy and you could tell that it was hurting him. So, the next morning (after we did not get a good night sleep), Shaun took him to see Dr. G.

Unfortunately, Dr. G. told us that he is seeing a lot of this in his office and it is just something that is going to have to pass. There was nothing that he could do. Great, a 7 month old with a snotty nose, a raspy cough that makes him scream, and a fever...this is going to be fun. My poor baby.

So, two night later we are still running a low fever, sneezing a lot, and coughing up a storm. Hopefully within the next few days we will be back to normal...all of us.


Hollie Heming said...

Poor thing! Will has gone through this a few times...a humidifier, nose drops, and the aspirator are the only remedies and keep him upright as much as possible. We even allowed Will to sleep in his carrier at one point to keep everything draining out. Good luck! I will pray for it to pass quickly :).

Heather and Travis said...

Oh goodness! I am hoping and praying that he feels lots better soon!