Sunday, July 26, 2009

Some Beach: Part 2

SOME BEACH.... If I could say the other word I would but I am going to keep my control and be a lady as much as I can. I am so tired...

Tired of Christian crying and me not being able to fix the problem.

Tired of crying because I can't fix the problem.

Tired of crying because I don't know what to do when he starts crying.

Tired of Christian being sick and feeling down in the dumps.

Tired of being tired.

Well, I mentioned earlier today that Shaun and I were going to be heading to the beach for a family vacation but I think that we are going to have to put that on hold. Today Christian started screaming and crying when I would go and change his diaper. You see, the amoxicillin is giving him really bad diarreha and a rash all over his body. The diarreha is what is causing all the screaming and crying. We change about 10 to 15 dirty diapers a day, so you can imagine how raw and tender his little bottom is. Well, today he let me know it. I don't mean just a little cry but a deadly scream that would just break your heart. What am I saying, it did break my heart...I cried.

So, what did the first time mommy do...called the on-call doctor. Christian is having an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin and we have be ordered to discontinue it. I am suppose to give him a warm bath with baking soda and rub Lotrim Cream on his hinny 2 to 3 times a day. We are also not suppose to use wipes on him anymore but a warm, wet wash cloth. Oh and here is my favorite...we are suppose to let him roam around the house without a diaper on. FUN! I can't wait to clean up that mess...diarreha and pee all over the off white carpet. But like I said before "the things you do for your children."

I am suppose to call Dr. G in the morning so that we can go back in to see him. So, I am thinking that our family vacation is going to have to wait. I certainly don't want to take Christian down to Charleston with a hurt'n hinny. You know a screaming and crying baby would not make anyone happy on vacation :)

I will keep you posted as to what our new vacation plans are and what Dr. G says our next plan is for Christian. It is so true...God really does have a plan for everyone and his for us was not to go to Charleston tomorrow :) Please pray that my little monkey's hinny gets better by tomorrow. They said it should take 24 hours but that is what they said about the temperature and he is still running one of those as well.

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