Sunday, July 19, 2009

Unto Him...I am Given!

Today was a very special day for the Spivey family. Christian was dedicated this morning at Radius Church. Shaun and I stood before God, our church, and our family and friends and made a pledge to raise Christian in a Godly household. We pledged to teach Christian that our household will not be perfect that it will be flawed but we will be in pursuit of God. We also said "thank you, Jesus, for giving us this child" because children are truly a gift from God. We wanted to thank him for allowing us to be his parents.

I was filled with so many emotions this morning as we were getting ready. I was excited, nervous, curious, and anxious. I thought to myself how can one person be filled with so many emotions. Then I thought about the day he was born and the day that I married the man of my dreams. I was filled with the same emotions and everything turned out wonderful.

What a glorious day it was. I was so honored to stand before God, our church, our family and friends and make this commitment to God and to say thank you. What a big job and I thought being a parent was a big job. Shaun and I are devoted to the Lord and I know that we will lead Christian in that direction, as well. I know that we have a big job a head of us but I am ready to take on the challenges and all of the devil's sins that will come our way.

One of the best parts of the morning was when one of the church elders came and prayed with us at the end of the dedication. The elder that we were honored to pray with was a dear, long-time, family friend of ours...Chris S. He is like a big brother to me. He has seen me grow and change in the way of the Lord throughout the years. I could not have asked for anyone better. I was so touch that he was the one praying with us and asking the Lord to look after us as we raise Christian in our Godly household. What an honor!

Here are some pictures of our dedication. Sorry they are so dark but it was dark in the church :)

Tomorrow Christian and I are heading to Charleston for a "girl's beach" trip. Poor thing will be the only man around. Every year my sister, my mom, my niece, and I go on a trip together. Last year he went with us in my belly but this year we actually get him in person :). I am so excited and can not wait. Pictures will be surely to come asap.

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