Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I want my childhood innocence and naiveness back. Is naiveness even a word? Well, it is going to be today, at least for this post.

I want my childhood back where there was no hurt or pain. The only "real" hurt I had was when I fell and scraped my knee. The only "real" pain I felt was when I had an ear infection. I want those days back where "real" life was non-existent.

This past week has been a very troublesome week. On Saturday morning around 3:30 am. We got a phone call saying that Shaun's daddy had had a heart attack. WHAT IN THE WORLD? We were devastated. About 6 hours later we found out that a great family friend died of a massive heart attack. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Can the Good Lord please give us a break from "real" life?

Shaun's daddy is in stable condition and was actually released today (hence the reason for no post in a comes first). He certainly gave us a scare for a while and really put into perspective "life"...that it can come and go in an instant. Thank goodness the Good Lord was not ready for him up in Heaven yet. He still has big plans for him down here...watching his grandchildren grow up and new ones being born.

However, our family friend will be terribly missed. He was such a great man...kind, giving, and loving. When daddy went into assisted living, he really took momma under his wing. He was like her guardian angel sent from above. He was there for her whenever she needed him. If it was 3 in the morning, he was there. I know that he is looking down on us and smiling as we live our lives. I also know that the Good Lord has great plans for him up in Heaven just as he had great plans for him down here.
Now on to a happier note. Christian is just growing so much each and every day. I can not believe that it is time for me to go back to school (work) already. How the summer flies when you are having so much fun.

He is crawling around like crazy, pulling up on EVERYTHING, playing with everything except his toys (cords, dog bowls, water bowls, books, rugs, etc.) and he is even saying MaMa. I can't believe it...his first word was MaMa. I was hoping that it would be and would even say it to him to get him to say it. However, now I feel bad because he is not saying DaDa. I want him to say DaDa so bad. He is his daddy's little boy and it just breaks my heart that he is not saying it. I know that he will and I should be rejoicing that he is saying MaMa but that is just how I am...I always feel bad when others don't reap the benefits of something so special or good.

I wish he would stop growing up so fast but I know that that is impossible. I just thank God each and every day for him and his health. I could not have asked for a more special gift from God. Here are some of my favorite pictures of him lately...

Christian playing in the dogs' bowls.
"I'm a STUD."
Christian and his first teething cookie. WHAT A MESS!
Christian and his new toy. Ride'm cowboy. Oh, what fun!

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