Saturday, September 26, 2009

10 Months Old

10 months old, really? I just can't believe it. I wish that time could stand still for a while so that you could stay my baby forever. However, I don't care how old you get you will always be my baby.

I am a little behind on this post. I should have posted on the 24th but I have been out of town for work. My first time away from monkey and it was hard. However, I did a great job and took care of myself. I will tell you that when I got home it was like he had grown and changed so much.

Since I was gone on his 10 month-day, I brought him back a little something...

For course, it is a monkey. What else would I bring back.

I just can't believe that my little monkey is 10 months old. Now that I am back in school I walk down the hallways and think, "Oh my gosh. Last year at this time he was in my belly. Now, he is 10 months old. Where has the time gone?" Here are some of the things that he was doing last year at this time...

  • He was practicing his sucking, breathing, and kicking skills for outside the womb.
  • His skin was no longer see-through.
  • His testicles were making their way down from his abdomen to his scrotum.
  • His tiny fingernails had reached the tip of his fingers.
  • He was growing brain cells.
  • He was head down, bottom up.
  • He was growing, growing, growing in pounds and inches.

Here are some things that he is doing now...

  • walking around the house unassisted, everywhere.
  • turning around while walking from one direction to another.
  • feeding himself.
  • drinking his formula out of a sippy cup (just started this last week).
  • growing two teeth.
  • saying mama, dada, baba, and ahhhhhh ohhhhhhh.
  • starting to pick things up while bending over (holding on to something).

Happy 10 Month Day little Monkey.

Two more months and we get to celebrate BIG!

Christian and his monkey mommy brought back from Atlanta.
Christian's two teeth. Look hard :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an angel monkey! I found the two teeth :) LOVE HIS HAIR! Time does fly by with babies...too fast for me. Love and miss you!
