Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Step By Step

We are taking more and more steps each day. I can't believe that just two Sunday's ago he became a little daredevil and decided to let go and try it. Now, that is all he wants to do. The chase is on...

Christian has been talking or should I say babbling for a while now. His first word was Mama. His second word was Dada and his third word was baba. He just started saying this last week as well. What do you think he is saying?

We believe that he his saying "UHHHHH, OHHHHH!"


Heather and Travis said...

What do you do when they are so mobile?? I am finding that I get nothing accomplished because I am always chasing her!! Christian is such a cutie!

Hollie Heming said...

WOW! You've got a runner! Will isn't quite that fast yet and when he learned to say "uh oh" it was ALL he said for days and days!! Luckily, he tired of that and is now trying other things. HA!