Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cry Me A River

Do you ever have those days were you cry at everything? You know, those days were you feel like you just need to go back to bed or you need to start over! Well, that was the type of day that I had on Friday. It all started at work and finished when I took Christian to get his hair cut.

He gets his hair cut on a regular basis...once every 4 to 6 weeks...he has a mop on the top of his head. Well, we took him to get his third hair cut and I was thinking nothing of it. It was going to be a normal hair cut routine...a little off the top and sides just to trim it up a bit.

Oh how I was wrong...she got the clippers and scissors out and went to town. Before I knew it his curls were completely gone. As he was sitting there in the car chair crying, I was crying on the inside because she was destroying my son's masterpiece...his curly mess. I didn't want to hurt her feeling so I keep the tears in but if she would have keep going they would have poured out.

When we got to the car, Shaun said "How do you like his haircut? Doesn't it look good?" I said "No, she cut all his curls off. I was about to cry if she would have keep on cutting." He said "Oh, it looks great and the curls will grow back."

Oh well, it will grow back it is just hair. Don't get me wrong it does look good and I do really like it. Its just that I really like his curly mess better. It is his signature feature.

Before Hair Cut

After Hair Cut

1 comment:

Justin and Jessica Jones said...

I totally understand where you are coming from. Micah has had 2 haircuts so far, and I have yet to be able to say shed the curls. Christian is a dollbaby either way. We go for family haircuts this Friday, so I will be sure to tell the lady to go easy on the curls after reading your post.