Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Talking Tuesday

A friend of mine does a post where she post words that her daughter says every Wednesday. She calls it "Word Wednesday". Well, I love the idea of her posts because it will help me keep a record of all the words that Christian is saying, even though he is not saying much...yet. However, I wanted to start doing a "Wordless Wednesday" post where I post nothing but pictures of Christian so I had to come up with another post idea. Here is our "Talking Tuesday" post.

Here are just a few words that Christian has been saying for a while and some that he just started saying within the last two weeks...(I hope more come soon. I really worries me.)

Omah (says M-Ma)
Pa Pa
ball (says ba)
cracker (says crac)
Na (this is my sister...her name is Renee but we call her Na...he only said this once.)

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