Saturday, July 17, 2010

Do It Yourself

For as long as I have known, my family has always been a "Do It Yourself" kind of family. My dad always did things around the house himself; however, he never really followed the directions. He just did it the way he thought it should be done and hoped that it would turn out okay and really work. My mom also did things herself around the house; however, she always regretted it after she was done. Her thoughts were "Gosh that would have been a lot easier and faster if we would have just paid someone to do it for us." So, I think because of their ways and their thinking, I would just rather pay someone and get it done and over with. The thought of doing it MYSELF never crosses my mind.

However, I married a man who is combination of both my parents...ALWAYS does it himself to save a little money and SOMETIMES thinks (after he is done) gosh that would have been worth paying someone to do it for us.

Yesterday we bought Christian a play set from The Depot in Lexington on 378. It is great. Great price, really big, and really nice. However, the "BEST" thing about this play set is, Shaun has decided to build it himself. Now, when I say build it himself, I mean BUILD it himself. The wood did not come precut, so he is having to cut it to size and build it using the directions that came with the play set kit. Oh what fun! Let's just say that he has his work cut out for him but I have ever bit of trust in him that he will build Christian the best play set there is. Shaun has always only wanted and given the BEST to Christian.

This is the pile of wood before Shaun got started. This is going to make Christian's play set.

This is what it looked like after a few hours of him and my brother-n-law working on it. Not to bad.
I will keep you all posted on the play set and when it is finished I will post the finished product.

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