Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Talking Tuesday

I am pleased to announce that my son has said some new words this week...Drum roll please...

nana (banana)
ninny (hinny)

Yes, that is right two words my friends. My son is what you would call a "laid back individual", a "take-life-one-day-at-a-time kind of child". He is certainly not an overachiever. However, that is just fine with me. He is just like Ruby in the book Ruby in Her Own Time by Jonathan Emmett, he will learn to speak "English" in his own time.
We do have some good news to share today. Christian completed his summer reading (listening) program and was awarded his very first medal. YEAH Christian! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!

First medal (summer reading {listening}program 2010)

Christian wearing his medal (proudly I guess). He seems more interested in the computer...ha.

Well, Duckie is proud to wear your medal. He will hold on to it for you :)

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