Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Talking Tuesday (finally)

So, it has been a while since I posted on "Talking Tuesday." Maybe it is because my child is stubborn and does not want to talk English or maybe it is just because he is "taking it slow." I think it is a combination of both...especially if he has inherited the stubborn gene from me...ha.

Well the past few days he has busted out some new words. Now, when I say new words I am not saying that he says them ALL the time. Sometimes he only says them once and then we can not get him to say them again. Also, he has his special "language code" that he is still talking. So, we are sometimes trying to figure out what he is saying but the mommy in me knows what he is talking about.

So here are the few words that we have gotten the last few days...

dog: da and sometimes do (he points to them so I know that is what he is trying to say).
AHHHH OHHHHH (he says this ALL the time)
mouth: mou (pointed to Shaun's mouth today at the pool and said it...could not get him to say it again)
nose: no (pointed to Shaun's nose today at the pool and said it...could not get him to say it again)
daddy: Daddie (he has been saying da da but lately he has been saying daddie...it is so country too that it is way too cute)

So that is it for this past week. Hopefully more will come next week or these will progress more. Cross your fingers.

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