Sunday, July 11, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

Have you every felt like Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz? Desperately trying to get home to see your family. Well, that was me on Friday. You see, I have been in Boston since Tuesday (for work) and by Friday I was ready to click my heels three times and say "there's no place like home."

I knew that I was going to miss Shaun and Christian but boy was it harder then I thought. This was not the first time I have left Christian. I went to Atlanta last year for work for two day and then Shaun and I left him with my mom for a night while we went to my best friend's bridal shower in Charleston. Those were hard but this was a lot harder. Maybe it was because I was thousands of miles away and it was five days (I didn't get to see Christian until Saturday morning) until I saw him again. I feel for and bless those who travel for their work all the time and are away from their families constantly. I could not do it.

While I was gone I longed for many things that are a regular in my day with Christian...
I missed his sweet kisses and hugs.
I missed the little milestones that he was accomplishing in the short but long week.
I missed holding him while he feel asleep for his nap.
I missed those long talks (Christian language) that we have throughout the day.
I missed that still and mesmerized look that he gives when I do "the bugs is crawling" on his back.
I missed that silly laugh that he gives when I tickle him.
I even missed those temper tantrums that he throws when things don't go his way.

So, I am very glad to be back home...home sweet home...and in the arms of the ones that love me and I love the most. And for all you mothers out there who travel for a living, I envy you and the strength that you have. God bless you and your family in your travels.

1 comment:

Justin and Jessica Jones said...

I could not agree more. It was fun, but I am SO glad to be home with my family.