Friday, August 20, 2010

Back to School

I can't believe that the summer has come and gone. As of last Thursday, I was back to work getting my classroom ready...sorting books, setting up desks, labeling folders, sorting materials, etc. As of this Thursday, I got to meet my new set of students.

It is such a fun and exciting time of year because I get a new set of students that I get to help model into life long learners. However, it is a hard and upsetting time of year as well. It is hard to leave Christian after our summer of fun together.Christian has always been a "daddy's" boy except during the summer time. During the summer time he is "mommy's boy and boy do I feed off of that. I take it ALL in and eat it up.

Leaving him after our summer vacations is much harder than it was leaving him after my maternity leave. Don't get me wrong, I was upset when I had to go back to work but we have a WONDERFUL nanny. She just takes him and goes (she meets me in my school's parking lot). When I went back to work after my maternity leave I didn't really have time to get upset and teary-eyed because there he went and there were my "other kids."

The difference between then and now is that THEN he was not as active as he is NOW. We do so much together and make so many new memories together each and every day. He is so active and getting more and more verbal. We spend our summers together growing and learning from one another. So, on those last few days of summer we cram it all in...splash parks, beach vacations, EdVenture, zoo, parks, play dates, pool time, puppet shows, gymnastic classes, Monkey Joe's, etc. However, this summer we did not get to cram it all in. Our summer came to an end in a different way. :( BYE-BYE summer vacation!

Hooray for Summer Vacations!

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