Sunday, August 1, 2010

Nerves, Butterflies, and Sick Feelings

Shaun, Christian, and I have been on vacation since last Sunday. It was so nice and relaxing. We did a little site seeing in Charleston, came home to do some laundry on Wednesday, and then headed to the lake house on Thursday at Lake Santee for the weekend.
Growing up my mom and dad left my sister and I with many different babysitters. It was no big deal for Anna Banana or my cousin, Dana to come over and watch us while my parents went to Super Club or to the movies and dinner. However, it was a HUGE deal on Wednesday night when Shaun and I left Christian for the first time with his very first babysitter (someone other than a family member).

Our neighbor was turning 28, so her husband was throwing her a surprise dinner party. We really wanted to go but could not find anyone on a short notice to keep Christian for us. Since it was an "adult" dinner party we did not feel that it was appropriate to take Christian with us, so we left him with our neighbor's teenage daughter. All afternoon I was filled with nerves, butterflies, and a sick feeling.

My "babysitting" fears came to a quick realization when I was talking to my sister earlier that day (asking her, of course, if she could keep Christian for us). Her daughter is having some trouble with separation anxiety. She is always with her mom and dad or some other family member. It really got me thinking about Christian and how he is always with us and some other family member. So, Shaun and I decided that we needed to trust others to care for our little angel besides just family OR we were going to be facing the same anxiety issues that my sister is facing right now.

I was so nervous and full of butterflies as the clock counted down that day. Leaving him in the care of someone else that you know but don't know EVERYTHING about is scary. It was not that I did not trust her, it was my own insecurities about having him stay with someone other than family. However, he did great and had a great time. So, now Shaun and I will have to have more "date nights" so that he can have some play time with some outside friends.

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