Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Small Moments

Small moments in life are such a big memory to treasure forever. Christian never really got to know who my daddy really was, but he did know Papa.

The other night at the visitation Christian was there with us (running around, of course) and not noticing a thing around him. He would run from one side of the visitation room to the other. He would stop, at times, in front of the video that was playing pictures of my daddy through the years and he would say "Papa, M-mah, Mama, Daddie, and Na (my sister)" as he pointed to each person. He did not once notice my daddy's casket and all the flowers around it.

When everyone left, we decided that we wanted to see daddy one more time and tell him that we would be seeing him later (not goodbye) and that we loved him. So, we had the funeral home open his casket one more time. Christian had not noticed that this had happened either...he just keep on running around. When it was time to go I told Christian to tell Papa bye-bye and I pointed to where daddy was lying. When Christian saw me point to him, he stopped dead in his tracks and just stared at daddy for about five minutes without moving. He would look at daddy and then at the video and then back at daddy and then back at the video. He was trying to put two and two together. Finally, he looked at me and then back at daddy and said "bye-bye Papa."

I know that he didn't get to know who my daddy really was but he did know who his grandaddy was to him. My daddy loved him more than the way that he could. So, that small moment was such a BIG memory that I will take with me forever.

1 comment:

Hollie Heming said...

What a true precious moment! Your daddy would have loved watching that sweet boy grow up. Christian will know your daddy because you will be able to tell him LOTS of stories. Love you!