Saturday, October 2, 2010


Today my world was rocked. I got the worst news of my life father passed away.
He has been sick for about 7 years now with a disease called CADASIL syndrome. Today he had trouble breathing and they were going to take him to the hospital and put him on oxygen. Before they knew it (within two to three minutes) he had passes away.
I am having mixed feeling about what happened today...I am happy about where he is because he is living with Jesus with a sane mind and a healthy body. He is walking in heaven with his mother, father, and sister looking down on us. He now knows who Christian is and watching him grow up. He is the man and father that he was many years ago.
However, the other half of me is being a little selfish. I want him here with me. I want to tell him one more time how much I love him. I want to tell him how much Christian loves him. I want to give him one more big hug and kiss. I want to sit and have one more long conversation with him about life. I want to have one more dance with him at a wedding. I just want one more day with him.
God, knew what his plan was for my dad and I know that it is best for him. I just wish that his plan was to be with me and my family. I love you daddy.


Jesse and Sarah said...

Donna, I am so sorry and am praying now for you and your family. My dad passed away 3 years ago and it was the hardest thing I've ever gone through. If you need anything please let me know. I mean it.

Timothy and Holly said...

Donna, we are also praying for your family. I will always remember your dads fun sense of humor. You know he is in Heaven joking with Jesus.