Friday, October 15, 2010

"You Are" Poem

You Are
By: Donna Spivey
To: Shaun Spivey

You are Shaun Spivey.
You are the man that I cherish and love.
You are a blessing sent from Heaven.
You are kind, trustworthy, reliable, loveable, and heroic.
You are my one and only.

You are the best husband and dad.
You are Christian's number one hero.
You are a great teacher and coach to myself and to Christian.
You are who I want Christian to grow up and be just like.
You are my one and only.

You are my soul mate.
You are my rock when things get rough and upsetting.
You are my best friend...the one that I cannot live life without.
You are amazing with your unwaving love for me.
You are my one and only, now and forever.

Happy Anniversary Shaun. Our journey has certainly been an interesting one...from the time that we meet until now. I would not change one adventure with you because without each of them, we wouldn't be here today to celebrate this wonderful day. I want you to know that this journey we are on means more to me than anything in the world. Nothing sounds better than spending the rest of my life with you! I love you more than words can say!

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