Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby!

Dear Christian,
I should have written this letter to you last night but I had two options...
1.) Write to you on your blog OR
2.) Cuddle with you while you were asleep in my arms.
I picked option 2 because it was your birthday and because I know that you cuddling will not last forever. I can always write to you on your blog. So, here I am this morning writing.

I can not believe that you turned two yesterday. It just seems like yesterday when daddy and I were sitting in the doctor's office and they told us that you were going to be a little boy. I was so excited and daddy was positive that they made a mistake and you were going to be a girl (he really wanted a little boy). Then you decided to grace us with your presence a month early and we were so unprepared for that. I think this is how life is going to be from now gracing us with new things when we are unprepared for them.

I am always wondering who and what you are going to be as you grow up. I just hope and pray that you are more like daddy than me, for all of our sakes. However, I do see some of my traits within you now...hardheaded, headstrong, and stubborn. Ha, how funny that all of those traits mean the same thing. Sorry, I passed those on to you but you do have some of my positive traits too. You are very friendly (you will talk to the ladies checking us out at the grocery store), giving (you are always giving the dogs your food) and funny (you are always making us laugh with anything that you do).

I know that as you grow up there will lots of paybacks (I know I deserve them for all that I did to my mom and dad)...little sleep, lost tempers, trouble/worries, and some arguments. However, I know that you will and do love me. You have and always will be my baby.

I'll love you forever.
I'll like you for always.
As long as I living,
My baby you'll be.

I love you, mean it little one!


1 comment:

Timothy and Holly said...

Happy Belated Birthday Christian!!!