Saturday, November 20, 2010

Things that Matter Most...LOVE

These days we are surrounded by symbols of wealth such as big homes, luxury cars, diamond bracelets, digital TVs, exotic vacations, and trips to the spa. If we aren't among the lucky few who get to enjoy these prizes, we feel left out, stressed, or maybe even unworthy or depressed.
But why do we feel this way?
I have come to realize lately that these are NOT the things in life that really matter. Not by a long shot.
What matters most in life are the simple pleasures that are so abundant that we all get to enjoy them. Happiness does not lie in the objects that we gather throughout the years. Happiness lies within us.

My mom and dad certainly had that happiness that lied within them. They did not have all those luxuries in life. They had the average-size home, the average style car to drive, the vacations to Myrtle Beach, and the diamond ring that my dad gave her on their wedding day. They had the simple pleasures in life that revolved around the emotional connections they had with God, with their family, and with their friends. This is what filled their life with a sense of purpose.

On November 17, 1972 my mom and dad filled their own happiness by marrying each other. My mom's whole heart and my dad's complete love were combined as one this day. This past Wednesday was their 38th anniversary. I know that my dad was watching and looking down on his beautiful bride.

I remember growing up and watching my dad look at my mom with those loving eyes and thinking "I hope I find that love one day." Boy, have I. I know that I have because I knew I should not settle for anything less. Their relationship taught me that romance was the most important thing and that it was important to find the RIGHT person who was special to me. Life is to short to live without that...the butterflies.

So, thank you mom and dad for teaching me about love through your love for one another. Thank you for teaching me the importance in life...the simple pleasures. And thank you for being YOU!



Hollie Heming said...

AW! You made me cry. What a beautiful thing to write. Thanks for sharing.

Heather and Travis said...

Such a beautiful post! Sounds like your parents were an excellent example of true love.

Timothy and Holly said...

Donna, Sometimes it takes people a lifetime to realize what you have so beautiful put into words!