Sunday, January 16, 2011

Now I Know My ABCs

Tonight I recorded Christian at dinner saying his ABCs. He has been saying them for a long time now but since his birthday he has made leaps and bounds. He got two wonderful presents from my mom and Kristin Gagliardi to help him in this process...Leapfrog DVD called Letter Factory and Leapfrog Letter Discoveries. Not only does he know how to say his ABCs but he can say the letter sounds that go with them as well. It is amazing! I will record him next doing that. We were at dinner the other night and he was playing with his Leapfrog Letter Discoveries game and he was naming all the letters when it would ask..."what letter makes the sound..." OR "find the letter S." The people at the table beside us stopped us when we were leaving and told us how impressed they were. Of course that just made me glow.

1 comment:

Heather and Travis said...

DONNA!!!!!! He is so smart! I loved it! I just kept watching and watching. So proud of him!