Monday, February 7, 2011

Where's the Book?

When Christian was a baby, I was so nervous that I was going to break him or that I was not doing something right. I turned to "THE BOOK" for all the answers or what I thought were the answers. If Christian was doing something that the book did not say or if it said that he should not be doing something that he was, I started to freak out.
What was wrong?
Why was this happening?
What did "THE BOOK" say about this?

Finally my wonderful husband and smart mom told me to put "THE BOOK" down. They told me that God made me a women with motherly instincts for a reason and I needed to use them, not all the answers to being a mother and raising a child was in "THE BOOK".

However, I am really wishing for "THE BOOK" and "THE ANSWER" on how to get your child to feel better. Today I took Christian BACK to the doctor (third time in three weeks) and they said that he has a double ear infection and the flu. What do you do with that kind of information except for hold your baby tight and tell them it is going to be okay?

Poor baby, Mommy is here!

1 comment:

Hollie Heming said...

Hope he feels better quickly! Keep yourself well :). We need warm weather to get rid of all these nasty germs!