Friday, July 29, 2011


Changes can be good. Changes can be bad. And changes can be sad.

We are certainly facing some changes in the Spivey household. Changes that are good but definitely sad at the same time. My little monkey man is changing from a little baby to a little boy. These are certainly good changes but they are sad because they make me realize that he is not a baby anymore.

We changed Christian's crib...

to a toddler bed.

We changed his dresser. We took down the changing pad and wipes warmer... (don't need them anymore)...

to make a big boy dresser with room for trink-its and souvenirs.

We changed the diaper holder and put it away in the closet...

my big boy is using the potty now and wears big boy underwear.

We changed the dinner table and took down the high chair...

so my little man could sit at the table in a big chair.

All these changes are great for Christian because he is developing and growing as he should. However, they are very sad for me because my little baby is no longer a baby. Boy, how time flies so fast. Although, it will never matter how old he is or how big he gets...he will always be my BABY!

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