Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Award

Christian got a new award this summer. It was not chocolate for potty training (however, he did get lots of that). It was not extra pool/outside time for having great behavior (sharing, brushing teeth, etc.). It was not a new toy for being a helper and cleaning up his toys. No, it was none of those. His new award was from the library.

He was very excited about his new award, as you can tell. I think his daddy was excited for him as well...ha.

When Christian was a baby, I prayed that he would be a "reading/listening baby". I hoped and prayed that I would be able to read him to sleep instead of just rock him to sleep. Boy has that come true as he has gotten older. At bed time and nap time, we just read and read and read. Sometimes we read so much that he falls asleep on me reading. I just love it. We actually have to limit his books down to three because if him or I had it our way we would read all night long :)

So, as you can see it did not take us long to get our 8 hours of reading. Now, we are, of course, still reading and spending all of the prizes that we got from the library. Yeah Christian for your reading award and accomplishments. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!

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