Thursday, August 25, 2011


I would not call myself an "emotional" a degree. I do get teary at the sappy movie and give me an Extreme Makeover Home Edition and it is all over. I get upset when things happen to my family, friends, and/or myself. I tear up when a moment hits me that strikes up a sad and rough memory.

However, I do not cry at the Hallmark commercials or happy moments or changes in my life (ex: moving out of my parent's house and starting a new life with Shaun) or the milestones in Christian's life. I am sure there are other moments where I do and don't get upset but these are just some to name a few.

I am not sure if you caught the moment where I don't cry at Christian's milestones but it is true. I get very excited, happy, and sad (that he is growing up so fast) but I have never cried as I watched him sit up, crawl, walk, say momma, etc.


Yesterday when I drove off from Mrs. Kim's house. He was standing in the doorway just waving to me. It filled me with two emotions...happiness and sadness. Sadness because I was leaving him to go to work. Happiness because he was safe and telling me "Bye. Have a great day at work." All I wanted to do was turn the car around, run inside, sweep him up in my arms, and give him a BIG hug.

Staring at him made me realize that my time with him as my little baby, toddler, monkey is getting shorter and shorter. Soon he is going to look at me and say "Mom, please don't walk me into the classroom." or "Mom, please don't give me a kiss in front of everyone." or "Mom, privacy please." OMG, it hit me hard and I just couldn't believe how fast 2 and a half years (almost three in November) have gone by.

To make matter worse we went to very first Open House for 2 year old preschool yesterday. I got to take the teacher hat off...give it to someone else and be a mommy. It was so great and he LOVES his "new" school.

Christian drawing. Christian playing trains.

Mommy talking to the teacher. Christian playing with hardware.

Christian playing Legos. New school "Lake Murray Presbyterian"

Yes, I was that mommy who took pictures during Open House.

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