Wednesday, January 23, 2013

5 months

Has it really been since December since I last posted. Gosh, how the day gets away from me now. Being a wife, a mother of two, and a working woman, my days are over before they actually start. When both boys are in bed, I feel like I need to go to bed as well...ha. I love posting on our blog but I have to remember my priorities first. Hopefully I will be able to find more time to post more often.

I can't believe that you are already 5 months old. Time sure does fly by when you are having fun. People always told me that my children would grow up right in front of me. I would turn around and wonder where the time has gone. I certainly feel that way with both of my boys. They are just growing up so fast.

Weight: 14.41 lbs. 
Height:  not sure since your last dr. appointment 
Head circumference: not sure since your last dr. appointment 
Size of clothes: 3-6 months
Size of diapers: 2
Eat: He is getting formula.  He started eating rice cereal in December when we were home for the holiday break.  He is not crazy about it though.  When I put the spoon up to his mouth, he tightens up his mouth and will not let me give him a spoon full.  Dr. G. said that we could try oatmeal with a little fruit if it would help.  Has not helped much.   
# of wake ups at night: It just depends on the night.  Sometimes he sleeps through the night and other nights I have to get up to just give him his paci.  Once he has his paci, he falls right back asleep.  He wakes in the morning around 6:00 am.  That is when I give him a bottle and he falls right back asleep until 8:00 am.
Health: His health has been good. Still don't know about his heart and if the hole has closed up. However, we are being very hopeful. We get to find out when he is 6 months more month. He has had an awful cough with a stuffy nose that we can not get rid of but this weather has not helped with that.
Milestones: He holds on to everything; toys, fingers, necklaces, hair, etc.   He has started to roll over from back to tummy.  I put him on his mat to play one day and ta-da, he just rolled over.  My mouth just dropped open.  I was so proud of him.  You are really starting to become aware of your environment and the people around you.  I think that your gums are starting to chew on everything.     
Doesn't Likes: What a turn-around a month can do.  You have become very fond of things that you used to not like very much.  There is not anything that I can think of that you do not like...besides your rice cereal.   
Loves: Gosh you love to be talked to.  I tell everyone that you are going to be my talker because you just talk, talk, talk all the time to yourself or us.  You also love to fly in the air like an airplane.  I makes you laugh so hard.  You still love bath time.  You also love your exersaucer.  You just play with the toys and try to chew on them all.       
Smiles when: You smile all the time when you are talked to. It just melts my heart.
Recent trips: We went to Santee to celebrate Christmas with Shaun's family.  It just seems like yesterday we were celebrating Christmas with them (New Year's Eve) and told them that we were pregnant with Bryson.  How time flies.  We had our first visit to the ER with Bryson.  He had his first ear infection.  Dr. G. gave him some amoxicillin.  Who would have know that he was allergic to it (picture below).  Even though he was sick, he sure was a happy baby...ha.  Other than that we just stuck around here.  We are super fun...ha.

5 months old today
ER visit due to allergic reaction
Eating rice cereal for the first time. 

                                                           rolling over for the first time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What fun to actually see him turn over for one of the first times! Abbey