Tuesday, February 26, 2013

6 months

Oh my gosh.  I am never going to win "mommy of the year."  It has been a whole month...a whole month since I last posted.  I am certainly going to loss all my readers...ha  I promise guys, I am still here just learning how to adjust to family life with two little ones. 

I can't believe that Bryson is a half-a-year old.  Boy, how time flies when you are having fun.  I thought I understood what love, affection, caring, and wholesome meant.  Now, after watching my two boys growing, I totally understand what true love is.  I just look at them both and can't believe that God has chosen me to be there mommy.  I am so blessed and honored.  Happy 6 months Bryson!  

Weight: 16.31 lbs (26th %tile).  Gosh, he is so different than Christian who has always been in the high %tile.
Height:  27 in. (90th %tile).  My boys are tall.
Head circumference:   16 in.  (1st %tile).  Wow, my buddy boo has a little head.  It has only grown a half an inch since October.  Is that normal?
Size of clothes: 6 months (some 3-6 months things but not many) 
Size of diapers: 2.  However, he is about to move up to a 3.  They are starting to get a little snug. 
Eat: His main source of nutrition is from his bottle.  However, we are still giving the rice cereal.  He is learning to love it more and more everyday.  However, I am not sure if I would enjoy rice cereal either.  About a week ago, we started introducing some baby food.  I am trying something new this time...making homemade baby food.  He has tried carrots and bananas.  He loved them both.  The one thing that is driving me crazy is that he will not eat for me.  He puckers his lips up and turns his head.  When Shaun, Mrs. Kim, or Granny feeds him, he opens wide.  What is up with that?
# of wake ups at night: Maybe once (every couple of days) around 4:30-5:00ish.  Most of the time we can walk in, give you your paci and you will fall right back asleep.  Some mornings I have to give you a bottle.  However, when I give you a bottle you fall asleep and wake up around 8:00.  I love that.  Mommy likes loves her sleep.   
Health: His health has been good. Still don't know about his heart and if the hole has closed up.  We actually go this month to get it checked.  I am hoping and praying that it is healed.  They said that it would never affect you in any way (just could not be a scuba diver) but it still makes mommy's heart ache.  This weather has not helped with your stuffy nose.  
Milestones: I can't believe that I have not posted about your recent milestones.  Like I said...I am a terrible mommy.  You have started sitting up.  You are still working on sitting up straight and keeping your balance but you can sit for a long period of time before tipping over...ha.  You love your feet so, whether you are sitting or laying, they end up in your mouth.  You are very aware of your surroundings.  I think that you are going to be a people watcher.        
Doesn't Likes: I can honestly say that I can not think of anything that you don't like.  You are a very happy baby.     
Loves: You still love to be talked to.  When someone talks to you, you light up.  It just melts my heart.  You also love to be tickled, to fly through the air, to play in your exersaucer, and play with your big brother.  You certainly think he is sooooooooooooo funny.  You also started grabbing and rubbing my face when I am feeding you a bottle at night.  I love that moment.  We stare at each other while you are caressing my face.  My sweet buddy boo.     
Smiles when: You just smile, smile, smile, when you are talked to.   
Recent trips: No where.  I told you, we are fun. 

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