Thursday, September 13, 2012

Big Bro...Little Bro

From the time that Shaun and I found out that we were going to have another baby, I was unsure how our family of 3 would adjust to becoming a family of 4. I remember sitting at the kitchen table, looking at Christian, and thinking to my self "how is Christian going to take to this new addition?" "Things are going to change so much for our family and I am not sure how to adjust to this as well." I was so nervous at the beginning but everything started to change the further along I got in the pregnancy.

Christian really became concerned about Bryson growing in my belly. He was really excited when he got to hear his heartbeat. He asked all the time when Bryson was going to be here and was it time to get him out of my belly. So, when the day finally arrived he was super excited.

While Bryson was being born, Christian stayed with his Abbey. He was excited to come up to the hospital to see his little brother. Even when Bryson was in the NICU, the first thing he asked when he got there was "Can we go see Bryson?"  He didn't quite understand that he was in a place where he could not see him or hold him (poor thing could not go back there).  Great family memories.

Shaun and Christian walking to meet Bryson for the first time,

Family of 4

My boys

Big bother kisses

My 2 sons with me

"He's so cute, mom!"


"Yeah!  He's here!"

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