Sunday, September 23, 2012

Country Boy!

Who can pass up a photo shot in a field of soybeans, old tractors, and Gators? Not I! Last weekend, we traveled to Shaun's hometown to visit his grandma and dad. Shaun is from a small town with LOTS of fields (of all kinds) around. His grandma lives on a farm, so while we were there Shaun thought it would be fun to take Christian around on the Gator (he loves Mighty Machines, like tractors). I thought it would be fun to have a photo shot with Christian in the field...ha.

Shaun and Christian on the Gator.

See ya later, Gator.

My two boys!

Cheesing it up for the camera.

Just chill'n.

Precious kid.

I'll drive daddy!

Love this boy!

Daddy, can I start this tractor?

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