Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1 Month Old (updated)

I can't believe this little boy is already 1 month old. Where does the time go?  It seems like yesterday he was taking me through the ringer...in the belly, labor, delivery, NICU, etc.  Now, he still puts me through the ringer but for different reasons...sleepless nights, colicky, special diet for mommy, and having PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale: a hole between the left and right atria of the heart).  Although these things make me crazy at times, I would not change any of it for the world. 

Here are some of the things that you are up to right now...

Age:  1 month

Weight:  10 lbs 1 oz (last time we checked)

Height:  20 3/4 in (last time we checked)

Head circumference:  Not sure

Health:  Had a follow up echo cardiogram and found out that you still have your "hole" in your heart.  You have what is called PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale) which is a hole between the left and right atria of the heart.  We will have it recheck at age of 6 months to see if it has closed up or not.

Size of clothes:  0-3 months

Size of diapers:  1

Eat:  You are being nursed which is going really well (cross my fingers).  You eat about every 2 to 3 hours.  You give me the longest stretch at night, which is about 4 hours.

Sleep:  You are still sleeping most of the day but we are starting to keep you awake more.  You are sleeping at night really well (at this moment).  I put you down around 11 after your last feeding and then you wake up for your next feeding around 3:30.  Then you wake up again around 6:30-7:00.  Not to bad.  

# of wake ups at night:  Just one around 3:30.

Milestones:  You got your first bath at home.  Your umbilical cord came off.  You also made it past that yucky jaundice stuff.  

Disposition:  You cry a good bit but we are working on making that better.  I think that you have a little bit of colic.  I have changed my diet (no milk, caffeine, chocolate, or nuts).  This has seemed to help a lot but there are times when you are not comfortable. 

Loves:  You love to be held, talked to, and sang to.  I am not sure I would say you "love" tummy time but you do seem to like it.  You actually calm down when we put you on your tummy (it doesn't last forever though).   

Doesn't like:  You do not like bath time.  You also do not like to be left alone for a long period of time.

Just learned:  You really have not learned anything yet.  We are working on following a rattle when it is shaken.  We are also working on holding a rattle.  We are also working on you keeping your paci in your mouth and not your fingers.  Mommy does not want you to be a finger guy.

Smiles when:  You do not really smile all that much but when you do it melts our hearts.  You smile alot of the time while you are sleeping (must be dreaming of something good).  You also smile sometimes when people are talking to you.  You get into a dead eye lock with them and just smile. 

Recent trips:  You are quite the traveler at an early age.  We have taken you to Kingstree (to visit Papa and daddy's Grandmommy), Charleston (to visit David, Leah, and Jannell), and Beaufort (to visit my grandma).  You have also gone to places around here...Monkey Joe's, the zoo, the park, Lake Murray on a boat ride, and of course LOTS of stores.     

Yeah!  I am one month old.

You are so loved.

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