Tuesday, October 2, 2012

You are YOU!

God has certainly blessed me with a loving husband, two beautiful children, and a happy home. One of those children that he blessed me with sure does keep me on my toes. He also keeps me laughing. Who am I talking about...Christian.

I am not sure where Christian gets his humor from but I love it.  I am constantly laughing at him and the things that he says and does.  The other night was no exception.  I think he topped all the things he has ever said or done.  Let me set the scene...

As a family, we all went to Walmart to go grocery shopping.  This is not the normal but Shaun wanted to get a few things that were not groceries.  Right when we got there, we headed over to the vitamin/protein shake area.  Shaun and I were looking at different protein shakes because we have started P90x (OMG).  While we were looking, Christian thought he would be a helper and put things in our buggy that he thought we needed...Fish Oil, Vitamin C, etc. 

After telling him that we didn't need those vitamins or Fish Oil we headed over to the body wash.  I was looking for some body wash that was unscented so that it would not irritate Bryson's face.  Christian was looking at bubble bath (he thought we needed some of that too).  Once we got our things we started to turn the corner to go down another aisle.  Before I knew it the most embarrassing and funnest thing happened. 

Turning the corner, Christian decided that we needed one more thing for our buggy...a box of condoms.  Christian (in front of God and other customers) grabbed a box of condoms, held it up, and said "Mom, we need these."  Turning around to see what he had, I immediately became red and flushed in the face.  I grabbed the box, put them back on the shelf, and said "No, we don't.  Put those back."  The couple beside us had a field day with this.  The women said "Well, at least he is learning early." and the man said "WOOOOO HOOOOOO!"  Christian decided to time in again and say "But mom we DO need these."

"NO we don't honey.  Oh.  My.  Gosh!"  A few aisles later we ran into the couple again and they were still laugh, as was I.  The lady looked at me and said "You have just made our night."  Ha.  I am so glad that we can entertain.  It is always something when we go out. 

So, the moral of the story is...is there a moral.  It was just funny.  Kids will certainly say and do the darnest things.  No matter how much they embarrass us, we still love them for what they say and who they are.  Christian please keep your sense of humor and that adorable personality that you have.  It certainly make you...YOU! 


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