Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Happy 7th Year

I can not believe that it has been 11 years. 11 years of being with the man that has changed my life forever.

I can remember the day that I met Shaun. It was our senior year at USC and he had just moved in below me in our apartment building. There was an instant attraction but it was unsaid for many, many months. My whole thinking process behind it was "We are just to good of friends. What if something happens and that is ruined?" I was too scared to test the waters, but very anxious around him (lots of butterflies). I surely did not want him to know, so I hid it pretty well (I thought).
Finally the day came where he began seeing someone. I did not like that one bit. He had to know and he had to know now. I just could not go on seeing him with another women. The truth about my feelings came out and we have been together ever since.

March 10, 2004, Shaun met me in my classroom and proposed with many co-workers around. October 15, 2005, we finally became ONE under the eyes of God. I was the happiest girl in the whole wide world. He was mine forever and I was his. I was now Mrs. Shaun Spivey.
There are many things about Shaun that I love. On our wedding day, I called him "husband". It was the first time, and since then I've discovered that word means MUCH MORE than I first imagined. Husband means...
  • "friend" because he is the best one I have.
  • "partner" because we share life's journey together.
  • "blessing" because he is one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me.
The more years that go by, the more it means to call him "husband" because the longer we are together, the more I discover all that he is to me. 

I love you Shaun from the bottom of my heart.  You are my heart and soul.  I could not imagine life without you.  Words can not express how much in love I am with you.  That love grows more and more each day.  You have given me everything that a girl could ask for.  Thank you for the best 7 years.  I can't wait to spend a lifetime with you.   

This is my lover, this is my friend. -Song of Solomon 5:16

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