Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2 Months Old

WOW, time sure does fly when you are having fun.  I can't believe that 2 short months ago Bryson joined our family.  Life sometime gets a little crazy but I would not change it for anything in the world.  God has granted me what I have asked of him...a family of four that is happy and healthy.   Here are some of the facts about Bryson as he turns 2 months old today...
Age:  2 month

Weight: ?  Will weigh tomorrow. 

Height:  ?  Will get height tomorrow.

Head circumference:  ?...will not find out until doctor's appointment on the26th.

Health:  His health has been good.  Still don't know about his heart and if the hole has closed up.  However, we are being very hopeful.  He has had a little runny nose but nothing that the suction buld can't fix.

Size of clothes: 0-3 months

Size of diapers:  2

Eat:  He is still being breastfeed at home/around me.  However, he is getting formula and breastmilk at Mrs. Kim's.  Not able to pump alot while I am back at work. 

# of wake ups at night: Just one around 2:30-3:00ish.  However, he did surprise me and let me sleep through the night...two times.  It was so nice.  No such luck since. 

Milestones:  Oh, what kind of milestones can you reach at two months old?!?  He has really started smiling a lot.  If you are talking to him, he will give you the biggest smile.  It just melts my heart.  He is also starting to turn his head to noises. 

Disposition: You are still crying a good bit.  It seems to be when you are sitting up in your car seat, swing, or bouncy seat.  You also get fussy when you are left alone for a while.  You just like to be the center of attention.  You don't like to miss a thing.  

Loves: You love to be held, talked to, and sang to. I am not sure I would say you "love" tummy time but you do seem to like it. You actually calm down when we put you on your tummy (it doesn't last forever though).
Doesn't like: You do not like bath time. You also do not like to be left alone for a long period of time.

Just learned: You really have not learned anything yet.  We are still working on holding a rattle. You have learned to smile more and follow noises. 

Smiles when:  You smile all the time when you are talked to.  In the morning times are the best.  I can wake you up in the morning and you turn to me and give me the biggest smile.  HEART you!

Recent trips: You have started going to Mrs. Kim's during the day while mommy is back at work.  We have gone to the SC State Fair (you slept the whole time) and Clinton Sease's Farm (oh the corn maze).  Other than those places, you have been to the normal places around town. 


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