Monday, March 23, 2009

Do you know the best part of the day?

Today was Christian's 4 month wellness check up. He did a great job and Dr. Guyton said that everything looked good. Our little man is growing up so fast. Here are our new stats...

Born: 6 lbs 10 oz.
Now: 16 lbs 2 oz. (75% percentile)

Born: 19.4 inches long
Now: 25 inches long (65% percentile)

Oh my gosh! I just can't believe it. It seems like yesterday was the day that he decided to grace us with his presence. It is amazing watching him grow right in front of my eyes. Each stage of his life gets better and better. I keep telling myself "This is the best stage...No, this is the best stage...No, this is the best stage." I am sure I will tell myself that forever.

So, I am sure you are wondering what the best part of the day was? We got to feed Christian rice cereal today for the first time. I was like a kid in a candy store all day. I was so giddy and excited. I could not wait to get home and feed him. There is just something so exciting about starting a new stage of life with your child. Helping them learn those things that they don't already know is priceless. First it was breastfeeding, then bottle feeding, and now rice cereal with a spoon. It was the best sight, feeling, thing in the world. It was all over his face, hands (of course those went into the mouth as well), bid, etc. This has to be my new favorite stage of his life.

Be on the look out for videos of Christian's laugh and him eating his rice cereal.

Keep in your prayers:

  • A good family friend of ours is pregnant with their second child. Last summer their son, Jack, lost his fight with life. He was born with a chromosome disorder and passed away before they could bring him home. I found out this weekend that they are pregnant again and I could not be happier for them. I want to congratulate them and let them know that they are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers, as well, as they take this new stage of their life.
  • Another friend of mine that I went to high school with and now attend church with just told me that her husband and her are expecting Oct. 19th. They are also in my thoughts and prayers. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers, as well, as they take this new stage of their life.
  • My father is being moved from his assisted living home to a nursing home. Please pray for him and our family as we make/take this new step with him. Help us, help him understand why this move is so important (he doesn't do change very well).


Hoover Family said...

Donna, Christian is so cute eating his cereal, it is so FUN!! I loved the pics. I am thinking about your friends and your father. God bless them all in this time.

Gail Spivey said...

Comments from Great Grandma Bee Zee:

I loved seeing your pictures! They are making me more anxious to see you at John's birthday party.

Yo te amo


See you soon!

Bee Zee

Gail Spivey said...

I enjoyed Christian's blog immensely! He is SO CUTE! You look like you are both having so much fun with him. You are wonderful parents. I am very proud of you both!

I can't wait to see him in person.

I will remember all three of your prayer requests.

Love, Grandma Abbey