Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Little Over Achiever.

First off let me make two shout outs...

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Love the Spivey's

Happy 8th Wedding Anniversary to Renee and Chuck!
(Yes, that is right...my sister got married on St. Patrick's Day 8 years ago. When she told me she was getting married and they were planning on having the wedding in March, I asked her to please not have it the weekend of St. Patrick's Day so that I could go on Spring Break and Five Points for my senior year, you know...live it up right before I graduated. Oh no, she not only had me stay home for Spring Break to do the "wedding things" but she did it ON St. Patty's Day. NO Five Points. HA, thanks Renee...I will never forget that. Just kidding, love you mean it)
Well, my little man went to the doctor today because we thought that he had an ear infection. Oh no, not an ear infection. Those ear are fine and dandy. Christian has his first tooth coming in. Yes, that is right. My 15 week old monkey is getting his first tooth. I remember when he was first born and now he is getting his first tooth. OMG, he is growing up.

He was doing all the signs and symptoms for an ear infection, but obviously they are the same signs and symptoms as a tooth coming in. It is his front bottom tooth. Now, of course, the doctor said that it could take months for it to break through...sometimes it is a fast process and sometimes it is a slow process. Who knows!?! All I know is we are excited about the new stage that Christian is going through but we are not excited about all the symptoms that he is facing now. We really did like sleeping through the night :) Giving him Tylenol and rubbing Benedryl on his gums has really made a world of difference. Thank goodness for treatments.

Oh did I mention that my little monkey is 16 lbs 2 oz. He really is a chunky monkey, but I love it. Babies are suppose to have those chubby baby rolls. HA.

Love you little man.


Hollie Heming said...

So exciting! We've had a bought of not sleeping this week, too. Maybe Will is teething. Who knows?! I feel so clueless sometimes. Oh well, at least he knows what's going on! haha

Hoover Family said...

I can't beleive he is cutting his first tooth...crazy!! The doc has been telling us Brinlie has been teething for 2 months now, but no teeth. I don't even feel anything in her mouth. I am always so confused about teething. I hope the tylenol works at night for yall!!