Thursday, March 5, 2009

Help me to understand...

For the last few weeks I have been struggling with some news that I have not been able to stop thinking about. I am not sure if you remember me mentioning on a post a few weeks ago about a little girl by the name of Cora who passes away from cancer at the age of 10 months. Well, today is her first birthday...

Happy Birthday Baby Cora!

...and this is what I am struggling with. I just don't understand why she had to leave this wonderful world when she has so much to live for. I know that I should never question God and the things that he does; however, I just don't understand. I was talking with my mom about it the other day and we were both upset because we know that there are people out there who are ready to meet their maker and they are here suffering. Why is that?
My father has what is called CADASIL Syndrome (I have mentioned this on a blog in the past as well). He lives in an assisted living home and struggles with his healthy and well being everyday (he is 59 years old). I know that if God would have come to him and asked him "I can take you or I can take this precious baby...what do you think?" My father, under no circumstances, would have told God to take him...he has lived his life. This is so difficult for me to write, think, and talk about because it is my father whom I love dearly. I am his little girl and always will be. My family and I know and have excepted that he is ready to meet his maker and walk with his mother, father, and sister in heaven. What a glorious thing.
So, I guess what I am asking is why do elders who are struggling with their life, who are ready to go, who have lived their life, etc. must struggle through life but an innocent, precious, helpless baby must go. Like I said before, I know that I should not question God but I need help understanding.

Dear God,
Please help me understand the meaning of life and death. I thank you everyday for the health of my son and I certainly don't take that for granted. However, I need to understand why come children are taken from their parents before their time is up and why my father is suffering from a disease and still here. I have been struggling with this for some time now and have prayed daily for those parents and children who are suffering. I know that my prayers are answered and considered each and every day and I thank you for that. Please open my eyes and help me through this tough stage in my life. Through Jesus name I pray...



Heather and Travis said...

We think so much alike. I hated to read and hear about Baby Cora. It just broke my heart. I hate that anyone, young or old, has to deal with pain and death. It so overwhelming.

Love reading your blog and seeing pics of your little man. Can't wait to see him in person!

Hoover Family said...

Hey. your entry made me cry...I guess knowing your dad and I know how hard that is to let your mind even go there. You are so right, and I don't understand either. Through reading your blog, I read about Cora and I can't stop thinking about her and her family either. I follow her blog too now. It is so sad...Love ya lots though!