Thursday, April 30, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Before I write about my "Better Late Than Never" post...

Did you know what kind of mother you wanted to be before you had your child? Did you grow up dreaming about the mother you would be? Did you dream about things that you would do with your child once you became a mother? Well, I did. I have always wanted to be a mother and couldn't wait for that day to come. I dreamed about all the things that I would do with my children as they grew up, but the one thing that I dreamed about was reading with my children in bed. Them listening to me bring a story to life as they played the story in their heads while they fell asleep. Maybe they would dream about being the beautiful princess who was saved from the fire-blowing dragon by the handsome prince or the handsome prince who saved the beautiful princess from the fire-blowing dragon. Whatever story was playing in their heads, I couldn't wait to "read them to sleep." That is right...READ them to sleep. That must be the teacher in me. Most people would want to rock their children to sleep...not I. I want to "read" my children to sleep.

Well, last night it happened. Only it was not me who "read" Christian to sleep. Last night Shaun gave Christian a bath (I normally give him the baths) and afterwards he sat in the rocker and rock and read Christian some Bible stories. Christian just sat there listening to Shaun read about the Creation of Earth, Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, etc. When I walked back into the room after washing my face and getting ready for work the next day, Christian was sound asleep on Shaun's lap and Shaun was still reading. It was my dream come true...except it was not me doing it (it is okay was still picture perfect). I can't wait to keep this dream alive and I just hope that Christian loves listening to stories as much as I love reading them.

Okay about my "Better Late Than Never" post...

Last Saturday was a VERY busy day for Christian and I. First, we met some friends of ours (great high school friend of mine, Christy) at the March of Dimes walk. Christy had her wonderful, beautiful twins at 25 weeks gestation. They are healthy 11 month old babies now (about to be one in a few weeks). We were walking in honor of them at the March of Dimes walk. Here is a pictures of the Aley family...

Christian and I not only walked in honor of Mallory and Maddox, we also walked in honor of some other friends as well...Morgan Kate, Kayleigh, Stellan, and Jonah. Here is a picture of Christian with his bib that was made with love...

We also got to see our friend Morgan Kate while we were out there. I am not sure if you remember my friend that I work with who had her little girl at 25 weeks gestation. Well, we got to see her in the NICU when she was born, we hear about her through her blog, and we see lots of pictures of her through her blog; however, on Saturday Christian and I got to meet her in person. It was so awesome. She has gotten so big and she is just so beautiful. Take a look for yourself...

It was great to walk in honor of all our friends.

After the walk we headed over to Shaun's sister's house for our nephew's 2nd birthday. It was so much fun and great to see everyone. Shaun's family lives out of town (except for one of his sisters) so they don't get to see Christian very often. Here are some pictures of our day with them...

Shaun, Christian, and Grandmommy Spivey

John and Christian. Isn't it funny that they almost match? Not planned.

Christian swinging in John's swing.
More pictures will be posted later. It is getting late.

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