Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fellow Blogger Friend in Need...

Earlier this week I sent out an email to my friends and family asking them to make a donation to a fellow blogger friend who is need of some finacial help because their little girl is not doing well. Here is the email that was sent...

I know that you have not followed the bloggers that I follow but there is a little girl out there that I have been following for about 5 or 6 months now. Her name is Kayleigh. I am sure you have heard me talk about her. Well, she is not doing well at all. She was doing great...on her way home and then she had surgery the other day and since then something went wrong and now she is brain dead. The doctors are saying that it does not look good and her parents are just waiting for them to do the "are you ready to take her off the machines." This again has been really hard for me.

I was reading their blog today and the family is taking donations. I would really like to contribute to them and help out with their financial difficulties. A friend of theirs wrote on their blog today about some of the hardships that they have been having since being in the hospital since Kayleigh was born (10 months ago) and with all the surgeries that she has had. They have lost their business and they are trying to get it back. They are on the verge of bankruptcy and foreclosure. I know we are all going through a hard time right now but we have to remember that giving and praying is the best gifts.

I would love it if you would be willing to help out as well. Anything would be great. It would be hard for one person to give a hundred thousand dollars, but it’s not hard for 50,000 people to give two dollars, or 10,000 people to give $10 or 1000 people to $100. I understand if you don't or can't but just as the fellow blogger wrote today...
The Bible teaches us that if we have two coats, why do we let our brother go cold? If we have water, why do we tell them “God be with you” and not give a cup of water? Prayer is critical and required. GIVING puts prayer into action.

Please go on Kayleigh's blog and read all about her.
She is an amazing, strong, powerful little girl. The donation button is on her blog page if you are willing and able to donate. Remember that a little bit goes a long way. Thanks so much and continue to pray for Kayleigh and the Freeman's. Please forward to those who you think would be willing to help out.

Today, as I was checking up on Kayleigh to see how she was doing. I read some bad news. She is not doing well right now. Her brain is swelling and is deteriorating by the hour. Praise God that her fontanelle (separation in skull/softspot) separates to relieve the swelling in her brain or unfortunately her spinal cord would be crushed, causing Kayleigh to have a bradycardia (drop in heart rate) that will not be salvageable by a full resuscitation (had to copy this sentence from Kayleigh's blog page...written by Kayleigh's dad, Adam). Please continue to pray for Kayleigh and her family as they continue to go on this emotional roller coaster ride.

My heart breaks for the Freeman's each and everyday. I think about them daily and pray not only for Kayleigh's health but for them as well. I could not imagine watching and/or having to cope with this with Christian. I have always been a big baby lover, but there is something (obviously) differnt about having your own. I have been struggling with the question of "Why do babies have to suffer with pain and death when they have so much to live for?" My pastor at Radius Chuch told me that he of course could not answer my question but he could give me some principles in which to frame it...the words of Job, who said, "Shall we receive the good from God and not the bad?" or the words of Jesus, "In this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." As I continue to struggle with this question everyday ( I know it will never be answered but I do get some closure each and everyday) I think of this Bible verses "the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). It helps me remember that we should all praise the Lord in good times and in bad.

So, I ask all of you to praise and pray for the Freeman's and baby Kayleigh. Pray for her health and praise her for her trip home to the Lord. The Lord has something special in store for her.

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