Monday, April 20, 2009

What time?

Time. Time wasted. Waster of time. This is what I was before Christian was born. What did I do with all my time. I can't believe that I ever complained about the time that I did not have before Christian was born. I think that I wasted it all on naps. Oh, how I loved my naps. Oh, how I miss my naps. Oh, how time has changed since having Christian...of course for the better. Time that I would not give up for the world. I look around and think...if I just had about two more hours in my day. Two more hours where Christian was sleeping that would be wonderful. Oh, the things that I could get done...

  • clean bottles

  • clean the house

  • wash the car

  • wash the dogs

  • do the laundry

  • iron the clothes

  • unload the dishwasher

  • cut the grass

  • plant some flowers

  • etc, etc, etc

I bet Shaun is thinking...when have you ever cut the grass...this, honey, is a list for the both of us...ha. It is so amazing how much your life changes when you have a new addition in your life. Changes that you would not give up for anything. Of course, I was never fond of the above list but they were things that had to get done, so I did them. But now, you will find me playing on the floor with my little man, watching him roll over (back to tummy...yes that is right since last Tuesday), playing in his exer-saucer, jumping or should I say turning around in his jump-n-go, reading him stories, tickling him on his sides so that he laughs his head off (not really), singing to him, etc instead of doing the above list. Our house has gone to the way-side but that is a-okay with me because I will never be able to get back these times with Christian. We certainly need to do a whole day of spring cleaning but we would rather go to the zoo or to the pool with our little man...ha.


Grabbing and finding. Grabbing and finding their feet, grabbing and finding their toys, grabbing and finding their hands, grabbing and finding your hair, grabbing and finding your necklaces, grabbing and finding their family jewels. So, if you have a little boy, do they ever stop grabbing their family jewels? Ha, yes, that is right. Our little man has found his family jewels and will not let them go. It certainly makes diaper changing and bath time a whole lot of fun. It is so funny. You would think that it would hurt but I guess not. Everyone says that it is just the beginning of it...oh I can't wait.

Here is a picture of my little man. Gotta have a picture on the post...


Heather and Travis said...

I am relieved to know that my house is not the only one being neglected these days. I am at home for most of the day and it still does not get done. There are just way more important things like playing with MK, feeding MK, walking MK, really anything with MK.

Love the new picture!

Hollie Heming said...

Ditto on everything you said, including the "grabbing". heehee...oh the fun that is store for us with these boys! If you find those extra hours, let me know, or better yet, come to my house and do my cleaning too!!! Love ya!

Jenny Garris said...

Here's some good news---now that Joel is walking so much, he is taking 3 hour naps! So some of those things on your list (which I never get done either!) might actually get done! Of course, there are still much more fun things to do, but at least there is a little opportunity. I doubt it will last long though, so I'm with you--- we can have clean houses when we are old and our kids are grown!! lol